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How to Grow Apricot Trees at Home for Free

Why should you spend money on apricot tree seedlings when you can easily grow them at home, without spending a dime? By planting apricot seeds at home, the trees will naturally adapt to the local environment and soil, ensuring healthy growth and a good yield of fruit. Apricot trees grow well without the need for grafting and are quite resilient.

When is the Right Time to Plant Apricot Seeds?

While the summer season is not suitable for planting apricot seeds, the best time to start planting is during the autumn and spring months, specifically in September, October, February, March, and April. However, if you start the germination process correctly, you can still grow apricot trees successfully during other times of the year.

Step-by-Step Guide to Germinating Apricot Seeds

The process of germinating apricot seeds is quite simple, and you can do it at home without the need for expensive equipment. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Collect Apricot Seeds: After enjoying the fruit, collect as many apricot seeds as you want to plant. It’s always good to have extra seeds, in case some don’t germinate or die during the process.
  2. Prepare the Seeds: Carefully remove the outer shell of the seed using any tool, such as a hammer. Make sure not to damage the seed inside. Fresh seeds are the best for planting, as they have not yet entered a dormant state, making them quicker to germinate.
  3. Select Healthy Seeds: Discard any damaged or broken seeds. Only use healthy seeds, as they have a higher chance of successful germination.
  4. Wrap the Seeds in Paper Towels: After selecting the best seeds, wrap them in a damp paper towel. Avoid using cloth as it may cause the roots to get tangled, making it difficult to transfer them later. Place the wrapped seeds in any container you have available.
  5. Store the Seeds in the Refrigerator: Place the container in the refrigerator, in the vegetable drawer, away from the freezer. This simulates the natural cold period seeds need before sprouting.
  6. Check the Seeds Regularly: After four days, check the seeds to see if they’ve started germinating. If any seeds have begun to rot or haven’t germinated, remove them to prevent contamination of the healthy seeds.

What to Do When the Seeds Start Germinating?

Once you notice the seeds have sprouted, keep checking them every five days. The roots will grow quickly, and after about 10 days, you’ll see the first signs of strong roots forming. This is the time to prepare for planting.

How to Plant Apricot Seeds in Soil

When the seeds are ready, it’s essential to plant them in the right conditions:

  1. Choose the Right Soil: Apricot seeds grow well in various soil types, so any soil available will work. However, make sure the soil is loose and well-drained.
  2. Plant the Seeds Properly: Place the seeds in the soil with the root side down and the growing tip upwards. Make sure the tip is slightly above the surface to prevent rotting from excessive moisture.
  3. Water the Seeds: After planting, water the soil lightly. Be careful not to overwater, as apricot seeds are sensitive to too much moisture, especially when exposed to high summer temperatures.
  4. Provide Shade and Monitor Growth: Keep the planted seeds in a shaded area and water them lightly every few days. After about 20 days, you’ll start to see young apricot trees growing from the seeds.

Key Tips for Success

  • Avoid exposing the seeds to direct sunlight, especially during the summer, as this can cause the seeds to dry out and die.
  • If you notice the leaves burning after planting, reduce watering and move the plants to a better-lit area.
  • After 20 days, you’ll have healthy apricot trees growing from seeds you planted for free!

Growing apricot trees at home is not only a fun and rewarding experience but also an excellent way to enjoy fresh, organic fruit without any cost. Additionally, you can benefit from the shade provided by the trees and even use the wood from the mature trees. Why not start planting today and enjoy the many benefits of growing your own apricot trees?

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